Tuesday, August 5, 2008

You've GOT to Read This Book!: 55 People Tell the Story of the Book That Changed Their Life

Recently my wife, Anu got the following book from the library. I had the chance to read few chapters from the book and it was very interesting reading.

The book explores the stories of the books that changed the lives of some of the notable people.

This prompted me to share with all of you the books/writings (crux of this blog) which have influenced me in my life and more importantly explore from my friends and family and know what have influenced them. This way, not only I would know what books/writings shaped your lives but more imprtantly help me know all of you better. It would be a priviledge if you share your experiences with me.


Manish Desai.


"You've GOT to Read This Book!: 55 People Tell the Story of the Book That Changed Their Life"

Bestselling authors and transformational speakers Jack Canfield and Gay Hendricks have invited notable people to share personal stories of books that changed their lives. What book shaped their outlook? Helped them in tough times? Spurred them to success? The contributors include Dave Barry, Stephen Covey, Malachy McCourt, Jacquelyn Mitchard, Mark Victor Hansen, John Gray, Christiane Northrup, Bernie Siegel, Craig Newmark, Michael E. Gerber, Lou Holtz, Pat Williams, and more. This fascinating and inspiring collection is guaranteed to change your own life—and add many wonderful titles to your list of must-read books!

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