Thursday, December 18, 2008


Your children are not yours to own. They are souls whom you choose to live and work with, as part of your learning on the Earth plane. So many parents try to make their children into clones of themselves. They direct their children's energy into activities that the children are often not interested in. Yet the children often do these activities because they do not want to upset the parent.

Your children are on the Earth plane to live their OWN lives, not yours. Their astrological charts will tell you their destiny. Yet so many parents never know what their children's destiny is. THEY believe THEY KNOW what is best for their children. THEY believe the children should do what they direct them to do. So many children are miserable because of what the parents choose. If a child asks for an activity, then it is because they want to do it, and within their Higher Self there is a need to do this.

However, so many parents, when a child asks, will tell them they cannot do that activity because they do not want them to do it either because it does not register with their own desires for the child, or they do not believe the child is capable of doing it. There is nothing more frustrating for a child than to want to do something and be denied it! Very often, the child can be more adult than the parents!

LISTEN to what your children say about their desires; they are separate souls from you, they are not YOU, remember that. They have their OWN life path and their OWN life lessons. OBTAIN your child's life plan in a natal report - this is readily available on the Earth plane, then READ about your child’s life plan and their own unique destiny. There is nothing worse than a parent who returns to the spiritual realm after their Earthly life, who has FORCED their children into things they did NOT want to do, and who has to see how unhappy their children were.

Another soul, who was known as "The Prophet" Kahlil Gibran, wrote about children in his channelled writings. He wrote, "Your children are not your children, they are the life's longing for itself". He also wrote, "Your children come through you, not from you". DO NOT OWN your children; do not try to make them like you. Let them be the souls they CHOOSE to be, not what you feel they should be.

So many children are sensitive and should have their energy directed into the artistic and creative, yet are forced into sporting activities and never get a chance to learn to use the creative energy they came into this life with.

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