Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Seven years ago, this book was strongly recommended to me by a good friend, who later became my better half. A fabulous book which helped me crystalize my thoughts during one of the most difficult time of my life, read a few omen and pursue my dreams.

Here's the crux of the book.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Alchemist, is a bestseller that was first published in Brazil in 1988 and is the most famous work of author Paulo Coelho. It is a symbolic story that urges its readers to follow their dreams.

Being able to observe and read omens is a key motif throughout the book.

The Personal Legend is one's reason for living; essentially, one's goal in life. Everyone in the world has a Personal Legend; by reaching his/hers, he/she adds to the Soul of the World, or its purity.

Here's the link to the summary of the book for a quick review.



Manish A. Desai said...

Repost from the email I received directly.


That is so cool! I love the fact that you have taken the time and effort to get a blog going. And books are something that I am passionate about, so I really enjoyed reading about what you enjoy reading:) "You've GOT to read this book!" sounds interesting, I will have to check it out!

As for me, there are so many books that have touched me in many different ways but if I had to pick just a couple I would have to say Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead" and Richard Bach's "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" make it to the top. The latter is such a simple story and yet I find myself reading that over and over again. There is something about that determined little seagull, who wants his life to amount to something more besides the daily search of food, that touches and inspires me.

The Fountainhead has had a significant impact on the way I think. The appeal there for me is that many of us strive to live our lives being true to ourselves holding on to our ideals, and Howard Roark, the protagonist, is a fine fictional :) example of someone who does so.

Thanks for sharing."

Manish A. Desai said...

Repost from an email I received directly.

As much as you travel, this interest of yours, is a great thing to have and be able to share with others at the same time.

I don't read much these days but Readers Digest is one thing I grew up with and still love to this day. Inspiring stories like Randy Pausch's are a regular feature of course, but the rest of the content is what makes the picture complete.

Happy reading."

Manish A. Desai said...

Partial repost from an email I received directly.


I (have) read the book Siddhartha and Alchemist, but (lately) have not been able to (read much).

My life changed by reading Daily OM I subscribe to and Daily inspirational thoughts.

I also am going to buy the book that Randy Pausche wrote before his demise. Such a great life gone but inspired millions...

I know that my kids are my inspiration they make me want to do better things and be a better person each day."

Manish A. Desai said...

Thanks everyone for your comments. I plan to contribute regularly to my blog. Hope you can spare some time once in a while and keep checking.

Manish A. Desai said...

Repost from an email I received directly.

"hey man...was readg the alchemist last mnth as was thinking abt u ...i remember u with tht freakin ayn rand book....lol...well the alchemist is good but thats it.....!!! no further dialogue or comments reqd..!! enjoy life buddy..."